The various polymers are used for the fabrication of dental prosthesis. The selection of the best suitable material for the prosthesis is a crucial step in a dental lab. The traditional dental prostheses utilize dental acrylic or metal for prosthesis construction. It is very difficult for the patient to get used to new denture and materials. The acrylic base also causes the severe allergic reaction in some patient including irritation and soreness to oral tissues. With the new research and advancement in dental technology, new material is introduced for the dental prosthesis called Pmma or poly methyl methylate. The dental Pmma is also available in Pmma multilayer. It is a colorless, translucent flexible material for the fabrication of dental prosthesis and various dental devices. The flexible Pmma provides a soft denture base the allows the natural couture and help to visible the natural hue of gums. Pmma dentures have a thinner base than acrylic dentures, but they are more fracture-resistant and non-brittle.
- Advantage of flexible Pmma and Pmma multilayer
The flexible pmma constructs the lightweight, adjustable dentures and dental devices. They are more comfortable than conventional dentures. The flexibility of denture also helps in adaptability and have a long shelf life. The chewing and phonetic is more convenient with PMMA dentures. The flexible PMMA is biocompatible without any allergic reaction to oral tissues. The flexible PMMA also offers a natural look to the dental prostheses and comfortable for the patients.
The pmma multilayer has different layers of color contract to provide a natural colure saturation to the dental prostheses. It is equally flexible as the flexible Pmma and has excellent toughness and strength. The Pmma is insoluble in oral fluids like saliva and has good bonding with the artificial teeth. The denture constructed with the flexible Pmma and Pmma multilayer can bear the mastication forces without any dimensional changes. The Pmma can be easily manipulated and repair. The Pmma prosthesis also offers excellent oral hygiene with easy cleaning of dental prosthesis.
- Application of Dental Pmma.
Pmma is widely used in dentistry. In prosthodontist the flexible Pmma has a role in denture fabrication. It produces transparent and flexible denture bases. The Pmma multilayer also fabricates the secondary impression trays, acrylic artificial teeth. It also constructs the crowns and fixed dentures. In maxillofacial surgical procedures, the dental Pmma fabricates the palatal obturators to close the Ora- enteral opening. The flexible Pmma is suitable for occlusal splints and night guards due to its flexible or non-brittle nature.
- CAD/CAM Dental Pmma.
Computer-aided designs and milling are special procedures for the fabrication of restorations like dental crowns, inlays or onlays. CAD/CAM also used the dental Pmma for the construction of a dental prosthesis. The Pmma multilayer used in the form of blocks in CAD/CAM machine for customize cutting of dental prosthesis. CAD/CAM dentures have an excellent fitting with low bio dental problems. They can be used for the long term due to fine fabrication and superior properties.

The dental Pmma is an ideal material for a dental prosthesis in all forms. The flexible Pmma and Pmma multilayer are the most common types for prosthesis fabrication. The diligent application of dental Pmma ensures a long-lasting and high-end dental prosthesis.